Attention Webster Hunting Enthusiasts!

From the Town Clerk:

Posted on: November 1, 2018

NYS DEC Has announced extended application period for leftover DMPs.

The Wildlife Management Units (WMUs) with leftover permits remaining are:
3M, 3R, 3S
7F, 7H, 7J, 7R
8A, 8C, 8F, 8G, 8H, 8J, 8N, 8R
9A, 9F, 9G

The list of permits is updated by Department of Environmental Conservation.  Please visit NYSDEC online to see if permits are still available in there areas where you wish to hunt.

Please Note:

  • Hunters may apply for and receive up to two additional DMPs in these WMUs.
  • Applicants with licenses that are exempt from paying a DMP application fee or hunters who have previously applied for DMPs this license year will not be charged any additional fees during the extended application period. Otherwise, there is a non-refundable $10 application fee for leftover DMPs.
  • Leftover DMPs are issued on a first-come / first-serve basis. DEC will continue to issue permits in these WMUs until sufficient numbers of DMPs are issued to achieve optimum management in each unit. When a unit is opened, it will remain open at least until close of business that day. At the end of the business day, any units that have reached the desired number of permits will be closed.
  • Applications for leftover DMPs will not affect any preference points held by the applicant.

Note: DMPs are only valid for antlerless deer in the WMU for which they are issued.